Радова Валерiя Юріївна
здобувач 1 курсу Дунайського інституту Національного університету «Одеська морська академія»
Спеціалізація: 271.01 Навігація і управління морськими суднами
Україна м. Iзмаїл
Науковий керівник: Тихонова Ілона Юріївна
старший викладач кафедри гуманітарних дисциплін Дунайського інституту Національного університету «Одеська морська академія»
Україна м. Iзмаїл
Annotation. The purpose of our article is to analyze the technology of formation of technical competence of specialists in the maritime industry in teaching a foreign language in DI NU "OMA" and on this basis to highlight the structure of technical competence of future specialists in the maritime industry. This, in turn, necessitates recourse to the training programs of the training cycle, the formation of technical competencies of future specialists in the maritime industry, in particular in the process of specialized technical training.
Key words: technical competencies, information systems, future specialists, navigation charts, innovative experimental course, training cycle.
Actually, the profile disciplines include academic disciplines. However, given that all these disciplines are related to the study of English, which allows:
- - use navigation charts and various navigation aids and manuals in English;
- - understand the flow of meteorological information and understand the message about the safety of the vessel and its operational features;
- - establish and maintain relations with other vessels and shore establishments;
- - use the "Standard Maritime Navigation Dictionary".
Opening prospects for the formation of technical competence of future specialists in the maritime industry in the process of teaching technical disciplines becomes effective if the study of practical experience of maritime universities in the perspective of solving problematic professional situations past problems, bringing the study of professional and planned technical disciplines to professional activities. to study at DI NU "OMA".
The axiomatic approach indicates the inadequacy of solving the problem without a large-scale study and generalization along with domestic foreign experience, renewal and improvement of traditional methods of forming technical competencies of future specialists in the maritime sector. An important plan to maintain a high level of training is the use of laboratory facilities that contain 25 specialized simulators and ISO 9001 quality management system of education, carried out at the institute.
Nevertheless, Ukraine has a comprehensive national system of training, retraining and advanced training of seafarers. Today it includes 26 higher education institutions and about 40 training centers. The main activities of higher maritime educational institutions are aimed at the initial training of maritime specialists of both officers and privates in accordance with the standards approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the activities of training centers are aimed at additional training of ships , Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine and shipowners "[1, p.14].
“The educational and professional program of bachelors provides simultaneous receipt of basic higher education in the specialty and qualification of bachelors. The specified program consists of educational disciplines of a professional direction and various types of practical preparation, and also includes separate disciplines of the educational and professional program of preparation of the bachelor. The normative term of study on the basis of basic general secondary education does not exceed four years, which gives the opportunity for professional activity as a navigator of small swimming. For junior specialists - these are the positions of shift assistants of the captain, pilot; captain, in the case of work on seagoing vessels with a gross tonnage of up to 500 registered tons. Working in junior team positions, they will improve their professional skills and further obtain a bachelor's degree in accordance with the Bologna Process.
n order to modernize the system of organization of the educational process, the institution highly appreciates the importance of bringing its educational activities closer to European standards of training cadets on the basis of a competency approach and taking into account the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and the National Qualifications Framework. In particular, today the staff of the institution can share the experience of developing and implementing an innovative experimental course "Marine Resources Management" (2010), which was created with the active support and initiative of MarlowNavigation. An important achievement of this work is that this course was eventually introduced into the normative part of the industry standards of higher education in the field of training "Sea and river transport" [2].
Similar problems are being addressed at the Danube Institute of the Odessa Maritime Academy, where the training system has been fully adapted to the requirements of the 1978 Convention on the Training and Certification of Seafarers and Watchkeeping, as amended in 1995 (STCW 78/95). An important achievement of this educational institution is that all graduates receive a diploma of higher education and working diplomas and certificates that allow them to hold command positions on the ships of any shipping company in the world. That is, the high level of training in DI OU "OMA" meets the requirements of IMO. In addition to its high rating, the leading specialists representing faculties and specialties ("Operation of ship power plants", "Navigation") actively cooperate with English colleagues. In recent years, in the educational activities of the Danube Institute, a special specific place is given to close partnership with maritime educational institutions, scientific and scientific-technical institutes, shipping and crewing companies of different maritime states. The main goal of the institution is to improve the quality of training of specialists in maritime specialties and bring its level to internationally recognized standards.
Regarding the continuity of the process of raising the level of foreign language competence, it should be noted that in 1998 the Ukrainian branch of IMarEST was established in OMA, on the basis of which the English Club was established. The educational and didactic environment opens up prospects for young professionals in improving professional language, awareness of the latest advances in science and technology, the use of technical journals, bulletins of the institute and other scientific and technical literature of recent years [3].
Therefore, in the development of the author's approaches and ways of the problem raised in the work, its personal partial decisions or proposals of individual scientists and practitioners are important. For example, the development of a model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of future specialists in the maritime industry IV Sokol was carried out on the basis of systematic, personal and andragogical approaches, taking into account the structure of professional activities of future specialists in the maritime industry (at the levels of operation and management). scientists regarding the process of its formation. The technology of teaching cadets of professional disciplines is based on the problem approach as one of the types of activity, which involves the transformation of the content of the discipline into a system of educational tasks of professional orientation. Taking into account the basic requirements for educational tasks as an element of educational influence, the requirements for their application in the educational process are determined, which include the following:
- “not one separate educational task should be constructed, but a set of tasks, the selection of which should be aimed at mastering general methods of action, mastering patterns and algorithms for solving professional problems of a certain class;
- when designing a system of tasks should strive to ensure that they achieve not only short-term learning goals, but also distant;
- educational tasks should ensure the mastery of the system of actions necessary and sufficient for the successful implementation of educational and professional activities;
- the learning task should be designed so that the appropriate tools and methods of activity, the mastery of which is planned during the solution of the problem, act as a direct product of learning.
1. Bezlutskaya OP, Leshchenko AM "Management of marine resources" as a component of professional training of future naval officers // Problems of higher school: Bulletin of the Kherson State Maritime Academy. Kherson, 2014 № 1 (10). with. 80–84.
2. Babansky Yu.K. Teaching methods in a modern secondary school. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1985. 208 p.
3. Babishena MI Formation of professionally significant qualities of future ship officers in the process of studying social and humanitarian disciplines. - Manuscript: author's ref. dis. for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and methods of vocational education. - Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ternopil, 2015. 23 p.