Добридень Альона Юрівна 

Київський Уніерситет імені Бориса Грінченка

м. Київ


 Актуальніть: Незважаючи на те, що сучасне перекладознавство досягло чимало у визначенні основних стратегій та тактик перекладу текстів різних жанрів, проблема оцінки якості перекладу і досі залишається повністю не вичерпаною. Чільне місце займають міжнародні договори –піджанр міжнародних документів високого рівня стандартизації регламентаційного характеру. На особливу увагу заслуговує переклад юридичних термінів в документах міжнародного права, перекладацький аналіз структурно-семантичних характеристик юридичних термінів англійської мови, граматичні аспекти перекладу міжнародних договорів та застосування лексико - граматичних трансформацій під час перекладу документів даного характеру.

 Ключові слова: translation, official translation, documents¸ equivalents¸ legal usage¸ wordings¸UN department¸ UN documents.


 Within the UN, the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management under the UN Secretariat is the department responsible for matters related to documentation including translation and general language management. The Department is responsible for the issuance of over 200 documents a day in the six official languages of the UN.

 (Reference and Terminology: Documents often contain text based on material previously translated or references to resolutions or other published materials. The proper referencing of the texts helps ensure correct translation and speeds up processing. Increasing specialization and in-depth consideration of technical questions means that new vocabulary is constantly being formed, and terminology lists in all languages must be kept up to date.)


Executive summary:     There is an error in the final paragraph of 1.2 of annex 1, appendix 2, of the Russian version of ATP: where the English version mentions “wheel-arches” and the French version has “décrochements pour passage des roues”, the Russian version has “надколенные дуги” (nadkolyennye dugi), which is incorrect.

Action to be taken:       Make an editorial correction to the final paragraph of 1.2 of annex 1, appendix 2, of the Russian version of ATP, replacing the words “надколенные дуги” (nadkolyennye dugy) with “колесные арки” (kolyesnye arki) to bring it into line with the English and French versions of ATP.



 Another relevant factor in UN writing is that many of the documents drafted in English are originally written by writers whose first language is not English. Given the different levels of proficiency in English of such writers, some of these English documents sometimes create linguistic problems for both the readers of the documents and the translators who need to translate such texts. Difficulties due to the multi-racial and multilingual characteristics of UN work are regularly encountered by translators. The occasions when one is unable to find equivalents for a word or concept in another language are frequent. For instance, the English words ‘liability’ and ‘responsibility’ have to be translated by the single French word ‘responsabilité’. This is true The Journal of Specialised Translation Issue 9 - January 2008 47 with the Chinese language where there is no equivalent for ‘liability’, and 责任 (zeren) are often used for both words. If a distinction has to be made, an extra word 赔 偿 (peichang) has to be added to indicate liability. Similarly, the words ‘boundary’ and ‘frontier’ are rendered as ‘frontière’ in French. In this case the Chinese language is rich in equivalents: 边界 (bianjie) and 界线 (jiexian) can both refer to ‘boundary’, and 边境 (bianjing) and 边疆 (bianjiang) can both mean ‘frontier’. Chinese translators have to consider the context to choose the right word. Actually, speakers at the UN meetings often talk about these linguistic problems themselves

 if there are any legal terms, they need to be translated carefully and according to established legal usage, for instance, ‘internationally wrongful acts’, 国际不法行为 (guoji bufa xingwei) and ‘fait internationalement illicite’, as different legal terms may entail very different legal consequences.

 the common preambulatory and operative words and expressions found at the beginning of each paragraph, such as ‘recalling’ (回顾/huigu in Chinese and ‘rappelant’ in French), ‘requests’ (请/qing) in Chinese and ‘prie’ in French), need preferably to be translated according to established usage in different languages, consistently with past translations.

 Poland in Article 6 of ECHR

 The problems of interpretation of Article 6, which regulates the right to a fair trial, resulted from the official translation of the term “prawo do sprawiedliwego procesu sądowego” (the right to a just trial). This triggered a quite widespread discussion in the Polish doctrine as to whether the English term “fair” should be translated as “sprawiedliwy”. Moreover, on the basis of a translation so constructed other proposals of the concept in Article 6 appeared in the literature on the subject, such as “uczciwy” (honest), “słuszny” (right) or “praworządny” (lawful) trial.

 English and French, in accordance with the rule provided in the Statute of the Council of Europe which states that the official languages of this organization are English and French. It is undeniable that wordings and terms used in these texts are derived from traditional English and French terminology

 The concept of right to a trial has a certain structure of legal guarantees, which with other planes of functioning of a democratic state constitutes a certain order, and the theoretical number of legal categories (sprawiedliwy/just, słuszny/right, uczciwy/honest or rzetelny/fair/reliable trial), with which one may determine the right to a trial, is extensive in the Polish literature.

 To conclude, due to the nature of the work of the UN and the linguistic nature of UN documents, the common difficulties for the translator include: technical demands, consistency, working as a team, turn over time (short deadlines), and the need to keep abreast of world changes, which are invariably reflected in the discussions at the UN.



1) The role of translation and interpretation in the diplomatic communication Tamas Baranyai http://www.skase.sk/Volumes/JTI06/pdf_doc/01.pdf

2) The Journal of Specialized Translation -Translation at the United Nations: //www.jostrans.org/issue09/art_cao.pdf

3) Official documents system https://documents.un.org/prod/ods.nsf/xpSearchResultsM.xsp

4) http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/

5) Report for the “Study on Language and Translation in International Law and EU law”

6) Economic and Social Council (ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2018/25)